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Friday, May 15, 2015

The End

Four years ago, we stood anxious but excited in front of the towering and mystifying castle. We approached the doors representing different schools but quickly all became Knights. Soon the complex and sporadic twists and turns of our halls became second nature and our castle seemed friendlier. The unfamiliar rooms became easy and instinctive to navigate.

Four years ago, we fumbled with our combination locks, stood awkwardly in the middle of the hallway, and wondered how the seniors could possibly have everything all figured out. Truth is, I still don't know what I'm doing. Yet here we are, ready to take on the world.

Four years ago, we were clueless, immature, and tiny freshman. Although I am still short, today we have built up a successful launchpad to project us on our future paths. No matter where we go, there will be challenges ahead.

In four years, I have learned that you can not put a large box inside of a small box. We can not fit a full life in one little dream box. What we can do is put a bunch of little boxes in a big box. What I'm saying is that in four years, the most valuable thing I have learned is how to set smaller goals in order to achieve bigger dreams.

In four years, I have learned that it is okay to take risks and it is okay to not succeed every time. In life, the things that go wrong are often the things that lead to something going very right. So another thing I will take away from four years at Fairview, is that it is important to nudge yourself to push your limits. As Amy Poehler once said, "You never know what is around the corner unless you peek... Take your risks now."

I chose risk taking, failure, and goal-setting as the most important lessons I have learned in high school because not only can I apply them in life, but they can also be applied to biking. Which brings me to something that I will miss. I'm going to miss returning from a different world filled with different people to my small community at Fairview. The difference between the cycling world and the Fairview world is striking but pleasant. I am going to miss returning to this familiar environment with familiar friends and teachers. Even the strangers at Fairview are somehow familiar.

After spending four years counting the semesters, months, weeks, and days until we graduate, I think it's about time to start measuring differently. It's time to measure the time through the memories we've earned through different friendships. This seems to be a more valuable measurement of time because as high school memories begin to fade, the people are what we will remember. Not the semesters or assignments.

To conclude this little piece, I have to end by quoting J. K. Rowling. "Time will not slow down." We must look ahead to the future, but we would do well to not forget the time spent at Fairview.

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